Cases for CASA Kids Program
When a child arrives in foster care, due to no fault of their own, they often have to bring whatever belongings they can fit into a plastic trash bag. Many of the children do not have a suitcase or a duffel bag, especially in emergency situations. Foster families welcoming the children generally have very little time to prepare for their arrival. A trash bag should never be a child's suitcase when going to and from foster care.
CASES FOR CASA KIDS provides a new unused age and gender specific suitcase, with new unused vital essentials, for children in Hall, Hamilton, Howard and Merrick counties as they join a foster family. Within each case, we will supply age appropriate outfits; nightwear, school outfits, hygiene products, undergarments, stuffed animal to provide comfort to lonely kids, a blanket for warmth on cold nights, and toiletries. Each case will meet the basic needs of each child for the first 5 days in foster care.
* Important Reminder: all items in these cases are new and unused*

Children ages 0-2 years
Children ages 2-4 years
Children ages 5-7 years
Children ages 8-10 years
- Diaper bag
- Bottle.or sippy cup
- Diapers, wipes
- Diaper ointment
- Stuffed animal
- Blanket (+) receiving blanket
- Sleeper
- Socks
- Pacifier
- 3 changes of clothes (all weather)
- Toy (rattle)
- Age appropriate suitcase/rolling backpack
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Socks
- Underwear
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrush/comb
- Sippy cup
- Blanket
- Small toy/stuffed animal
- Snacks
- Age appropriate suitcase/rolling backpack
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Socks
- Underwear
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrush/comb
- Stuffed animal
- Blanket
- Small toy/coloring book/crayons
- Snacks
- Age appropriate suitcase/rolling backpack
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Socks
- Underwear
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrushes/comb
- Blanket
- Stuffed animal
- Small toy/coloring book/crayons
- Snacks
Children ages 11-13 years
Children ages 14-16 years
Children ages 17-19 years
- Age appropriate duffel bag
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Undergarments
- Socks
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrush/comb
- Hairspray/hair gel
- Feminine/Male products
- Blanket
- Journal/puzzle book/card game
- Snacks
- Age appropriate duffel bag
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Undergarments
- Socks
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrush/comb
- Hairspray/hair gel
- Feminine/Male products
- Blanket
- Journal/puzzle book/card game
- Snacks
- Age appropriate duffel bag
- 3 sets of clothing (all weather)
- Pjs
- Undergarments
- Socks
- Shampoo/lotion/body wash/deodorant
- Toothbrushes/toothpaste
- Hairbrush/Comb
- Hairspray/hair gel
- Feminine/Male products
- Blanket
- Journal/puzzle book/card game
- Snacks